
Learn the Truth about the Pet Food Industry

Learn the Truth about the Pet Food Industry
"The chemical that killed Sam – was ethoxyquin; it is still commonly used in many dog foods, cat foods, and pet treats.  The pet food company that killed her, is still one of the top pet food companies; although they no longer use ethoxyquin in their foods, they use many disease causing ingredients including dangerous chemicals."

Quotes like this are every pet owners nightmare, but what we're feeding our pets is what's hurting them the most. Learn how the pet food industry has fooled animal owners into allowing our animals to consume unnatural diets that often lead to shorter lives, unhappier and unhealthier pets and insane veterinarian bills that can be avoided.

I post this today as in learning about a biologically appropriate feeding cycle for my dog, I've realized that what I fed my Ovi likely contributed to the health problems that suddenly ended his life. 

Our pets rely on us to feed them what they need, aren't they worth it compared to all that they give us?

If you're interested in speaking with myself (Jason) or Raquel regarding a biologically appropriate diet and the ill effects of bagged kibble, don't hesitate. We have received nothing for posting this, Pets & People Co. simply feel it's our obligation to help educate pet owners like we had to learn ourselves.